Born. Breed. Proud LaSallian

It's the 16th of June.
And yes, the countdown to 100 has finally counted to zero for the centennial celebration of LaSallian Presence in the Philippines. And by the time it hit 12 midnight, ANIMO LASALLE was trending in Twitter.

I lost track of time but that didn't stop me.
I greeted everyone after midnight.
Haha ^_^

Everyone is excited. Everyone will be wearing green.
Centennial tees. DLSU jackets. Centennial lanyards.
What I got from when it was sold last year was abit dirty and old. But who cares, it wouldn't be relevant to the centennial celebration if it weren't old.Haha.

And as I was remembering some happy memories,
it suddenly made me check my blog archives -

And found this:

My lost lanyard. It was one melodramatic night where my ex and I had a fight and I walked away. I left my lanyard somewhere I couldn't remember where. I feel bad but I guess it's a way for me to remember alot of stuff I learned from the past and that all things may come and go. But the choice of staying happy and moving on is one thing I have never regret. I have done so many wrong decisions in my life. Most of which I never thought of getting by. But hey, I did. And Oh! That's not tears in my eyes, it's allergies. =')

As what Br. Narciso S. Erguisa, FSC said on his
Inaugural speech taken from the Old Testament prophet Micah:
"This is what God asks for you, only this - to act justly, to love tenderly `and to walk humbly with your God."

The way to celebrate the 100 years of LaSallian Presence is by letting Jesus live in our hearts forever and choosing the right path and making decisions for the greater good.

One LaSalle. Happy DLSU 100!

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