Not Over Chuck Bass

Ed Westwick (plays Chuck Bass on Gossip Girl) got everyone's heartbeats running away
at the Salon de Ning, Manila Peninsula last Thursday (June 2).

Hosted by Sarah Meier-Albano, the brief but clearly unforgettable press conference kicked off with a short introduction from Penshoppe’s Brand Director Alex Mendoza and Vice-President for Brand Management Jasper Evangelista. For Penshoppe’s 25th year, the brand wants to “make a statement” and “improve the whole package” by making Ed Westwick their lead endorser.

The campaign, shot by Australian fashion photographer Darren Tieste.

Here are the questions asked and quotes from Ed Westwick during the press conference;

How easy or tough has it been to prove to people that you’re more than just Chuck Bass? And what’s something about you that Chuck Bass doesn’t or will never have?

“Good question. You can look at it in two ways: professionally and personally. Professionally, he’s part of the show that has become so well-known, so iconic. A lot of people know the character, so you begin to be associated with that character. But as a professional, it is important to look for another role… like in J. Edgar (a film directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Ed Westwick, that will be out in late 2011), I play a young FBI agent, so I’m excited about that. Personally, I’m different from Chuck Bass. The one thing he will never have is my English charm.”

Penshoppe has prepared a great collection of clothes for you. You did a little run through of them at the shoot yesterday. Are they more Ed Westwick or Chuck Bass?

I think they are more like a combination, actually. It’s quite a bit wholesome– more like what I’d wear. There aren’t too many multi-colored bow ties or things like that but it’s a great combination. There are a lot of great jeans. I’m wearing some of the stuff right now. I’m a pretty big fan of this coat that’s why I’m wearing it right now.

What’s the biggest influence Chuck Bass had on you?

How not to mistreat women (laughs)

What was your concept of the Philippines before coming here, and now that you are leaving tomorrow?

Well, I spent some time reading about Philippines on the way here. I was surprised to know there are 7,000 islands. That’s amazing, for me. I know it’s very rich in culture, but I didn’t know too much. Now, I’ve kind of touched the surface. I definitely want to make a trip back. I wanna get out to some of the islands which I hear are paradise.

How excited are you for the new Romeo and Juliet mo

Very excited. Great script that keeps the traditional flow of Shakespeare’s traditional language. It’s been fantastic. I get to play Tybalt, the fiery cousin of Juliet. We’re gonna shoot in Verona, which is one of the oldest places in Italy.

In between tapings, how do you spend your leisure time?

I like to play football, hang out with my friends, watch movies, because I’m an actor.

Apart from acting and modelling, do you have other talents?

I play the guitar. And I’ve been recently trying to play the spoons. I’m not very good yet. I’m good at football. I’m good at sleeping as well…

Someone requested for him to sing,
but with his poker face, he said “no.”
Oh well. Until then, and to the next press conference.



  1. I so love the second model pic of Ed. I knew he was coming as I heard from the news. Unable to catch him. I better be on watch to his second visit. :)

  2. @TheGreenBreaker

    Well, he was kinda hard to catch. unless you're in the industry =)

    and yeah, he's planning to go back to Phily by any chance he gets another project. You know you love him ^_^


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