Car accidents along Ayala Avenue are never a shocker to me since I am used seeing wrecked cars, scattered pieces of broken car windows, police & of course people skimming and flipping though the scene.

One Sunday (technically Monday already-December 15, 2008 around 12:45 AM) after having some videoke fun-fun with Mr. FOX, we decided to went ahead Starbucks People Support to grab some coffee and chill. The cab that we were in was passing through the curb to Ayala Ave. when some unsettling, so traumatic fuss was in the middle of Buendia and Ayala Ave. As I could remember, the only words that I uttered were “ What the F*@K!! What the F*@K!! What the F*@K!!

A Toyota Innova type cab was hit by a Fire Truck on a speed to a burning building in Legaspi Village. The cab was on smoke and like teenagers was scuttling to get out of the cab. They were more than 12 of them who tried to escape from death and just a few minutes they flew. The driver was badly hurt but then rescue went down and took him to Makati Med. That was really a horrifying
OWMYGAWD thingy.

To actually witness a car accident and seeing people hurt and glanced on how the car was wrecked is really a gruesome-horrendous feeling than to look over to a just happened or an hour-ago-happened car accident. It was really different. I did not know what to react.

To honestly say,
I am so damn afraid of DEATH.
Who wouldn’t?

Well some exceptions to others who thinks their lives are not worth living for like if you’re a sort of ‘my life sucks’ or ‘sucks to be me’ person. Maybe you would really face death gracefully.

BUT NOT ME. I so love my beautiful-bitch-fab life. I have a lot things that I want to do and have. I am turning 21 come January 2009 and I only have like 3-4 years from my deadline of having my own pad (currently renting) and my own car. I have always planned to get my mom and dad a trip to PARIS vacation package and pay for it MYSELF. It’s not like I am already dying though but I can’t help but wonder...

...accidents that can take our precious lives could just happen in a flash, should we always be prepared when death comes or just enjoy life to the fullest?

(Monday, December 15, 2008, 12:56:04 AM)

~ FIN ~

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